Virginia Cooperative Extension - Virginia State University

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Your Donations to Virginia 4-H Can Help Support STEAM at VSU

4-H is America’s largest positive youth development organization. Public universities work with local communities to provide youth with “learn by doing” experiences in a safe, caring environment. In 4-H, youth are guided by adult mentors, encouraged to take on leadership roles and complete handson projects in a wide variety of subject areas, including health, science, agriculture and civic engagement.

Both Virginia Tech and Virginia State University (VSU) work together through Virginia Cooperative Extension to manage Virginia 4-H. An important priority of Virginia 4-H is to expose youth to the world of science, technology, engineering, agriculture and mathematics (STEAM)— topics that have become increasingly important in our new information-based and highly technological society. Exposing youth to STEAM gives them an opportunity to develop much-needed, marketable skills and potential career pathways. Donations to Virginia 4-H will give a child the chance to discover their STEAM potential. Please consider giving today to help our youth face the challenges of our modern society and to make the world a better place for all of us.

How to Give: For monetary donations, please visit Specify “VSU 4-H STEAM” in the “Other” section; choose your donation amount and whether you would like to make a one-time or recurring gift; then provide your payment information. In the future, “VSU 4-H STEAM” will be an option in the “State Program” drop-down list. Though the 4-H STEAM program is managed by VSU, you will receive a letter in the mail from Virginia Tech acknowledging your tax deductible gift. Your gift will be applied to 4-H STEAM initiatives across Virginia. Alternatively, you may choose to support several other state or local 4-H programs through the giving link above. For material/supply donations, please contact Dr. Chantel Wilson at

For more information about 4-H, please visit:,, or your local Virginia Cooperative Extension office.

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