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Statewide Intermediate Level Public Speaking Contest for Ages 12-13

As part of the 4-H iLeadership Institute at Virginia State University, Virginia 4-H is hosting its first-ever Statewide Intermediate Level Public Speaking Contest for Ages 12-13. Only participants that have received a blue or purple ribbon from their respective district or unit contest are eligible to participate.

Description of Contest

Public Speaking challenges the contestants to develop and deliver a message that informs, influences or entertains an intended audience. They will plan and deliver a speech with an effective beginning, middle and conclusion. The audience, appropriate topic, purpose, research of supporting materials, and appropriate methods of delivery will be considered.

Awards to be Earned

The Danish awards system will be used at all levels of competition. Blue ribbons will be awarded to competitors earning 90-100 points; red ribbons will be awarded to competitors earning 75-89 points; white ribbons will be awarded to competitors earning 74 points or less. Certain Extension districts award a purple ribbon to the highest scoring youth in the category. Districts determine the awarding of such ribbons. However, these are generally reserved for blue ribbon winners. At the state contest, the highest scoring youth will be awarded a project medal. Youth who win the state project medal are ineligible to compete in that category in future years.

Rules for this Contest

  1. A speech will be judged on its defined parts: a speech, the speaker and the audience. No support materials are permitted. Consideration should be given to the suggested criteria on the Public Speaking Judging Rubric.

  2. Public speaking category has no categories based on subject matter, only by age.

  3. Time requirements for speech delivery include Juniors = 2-5 minutes, Intermediates = 3-6 minutes, and Seniors = 5-7 minutes. Five points will be deducted for speeches outside of the range.

  4. A room chair/facilitator will introduce each contestant. The introduction should not be part of the contestant’s speech.

  5. Contestants should dress in business casual or professional attire. No costumes or props are allowed.

  6. Judges may ask questions of contestants after their speech.

View Publication 4H-421NP for more contest information.

Score Sheet & Judging Rubric

For more information, contact Jessica Harris at jbrown@vsu.edu.



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