family Financial management
Family Financial Management assistance offered through Virginia Cooperative Extension helps empower Virginia communities and families state-wide to enhance their economic well-being and attain economic security by providing financial management educational programs, mentoring and coaching for individuals, families and entrepreneurs.
People who understand financial management well are better able to avoid financial problems, live within their means, maintain stable housing and provide for themselves through retirement. Our programs promote self-sufficiency by strengthening personal finances through education.
Financial Management Workshops and Courses
Financial management programs on a variety of topics help participants take control of their personal finances and make wise financial decisions.
Financial Mentoring
Mentoring provides participants the opportunity to meet individually with a volunteer over several sessions to learn how to manage money more effectively.
Reality Store/Real Money, Real World/Kid’s Marketplace
These one-day in-school youth financial education programs simulate financial decisions that adults make every day in order to provide for themselves and their families. n Steps to Financial Success
A personal financial management class designed to help those having already filed for bankruptcy to get back on their feet through financial literacy and bankruptcy education. (Meets requirements of the bankruptcy code.)
Virginia Cooperative Extension programs in Family Financial Management* include:
Workshops and Courses in Financial Management
Connections to Mentors and Master Financial
Education Volunteers
Financial Education Programs for Kids
Virginia LifeSmarts Quiz Competition
Steps to Financial Success
Programs Designed Specifically for Women, Business Owners and Managers
*Programs may not be offered in all counties. To find out what is available in your area, go here to contact your local Extension agent.
Virginia LifeSmarts
A quiz bowl competition that tests the knowledge of high school students on important consumer information in an entertaining way.
Money Talk Program
Women have unique financial needs. Most will at some time be on their own financially. Some will never marry, some will see their marriages end in divorce, and others will outlive their husbands. This course will provide you with information that you need to take charge of your financial future. The course includes five classes.
How to Worry Less About Money
A one-half day (3 hours) or a one-day (6 hours) workshop for managers and employees in business, industry, health care organizations and government agencies to improve productivity, health-care costs, accidents and personal work satisfaction. Contact Dr. Larry A. Connatser for more information.
Volunteers Help Families Strengthen Their Financial Management Skills
The past few years have brought financial challenges to many people throughout the commonwealth. One in every nine Virginians lives at or below the poverty level, and the current economic climate has only emphasized the need for additional financial education. To help fill this need, Virginia Cooperative Extension has developed its Master Financial Education Volunteer program.
Master Financial Education Volunteers (MFEVs) receive a minimum of 20 hours of classroom training on topics such as developing a spending and savings plan, managing credit, risk management, predatory lending and more. Once trained, these volunteers contribute at least 40 hours of service to the community during the year through classroom sessions, individual mentoring and other Virginia Cooperative Extension programs. Training takes place periodically each year in locations around the state.
If you are interested in becoming a Master Financial Education Volunteer, contact your local Extension agent to find out about upcoming training sessions or call Dr. Larry Connatser for more information.