POP! Market feeds over 11,000 Low-Income and Minority Individuals in Virginia Food Desert during COVID-19 Pandemic
With almost one in three low income families in Petersburg receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, Virginia State University’s Family and Consumer Sciences Program in partnership with Petersburg Healthy Options Partnerships, Petersburg Healthy Community Action Team, River Street Market and the Harding Street Urban Agriculture Center have teamed up to establish a new market concept called POP! (Petersburg Offers Produce) Market.
i-Congress Helping to Build Confident Youth Leaders
One way of ensuring that youth grow to become curious, confident and capable leaders is by exposing them early to key life skills, educational opportunities and career exploration through 4-H programs like i-Congress.
Virginia State University continues to expand 4-H STEM throughout Virginia…and beyond!
.Dr. Chantel Wilson, 4-H STEAM Extension Specialist at VSU, Dr. Erika Bonnett, 4-H Programming Specialist at Virginia Tech, and their Virginia Team won a competitive grant from the National 4-H Council to design the 2020 4-H STEM Challenge Mars Base Camp kit.
Downy Mildew and Garden Diseases On the Rise
Downy mildews caused by different water molds are thriving at this time and damaging crops. If you see cucumber or butternut squash leaves quickly turning into a yellow, angular shape from the top, you may suspect a downy mildew caused by one of these pathogens belonging to water molds.
Grass, Goats, and Uninvited Guests
Dr. Chantel Wilson lives where science and nature intersect, and she loves introducing youth to her world. Wilson is an Extension specialist and 4-H STEAM educator with the Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) at Virginia State University (VSU).
Value Added Products Increase Revenue for Small Farmers and Ranchers
In Virginia, 10,862 Virginia farmers earned less than $1,000 from their farm operation (USDA, 2017). Conversely, USDA (2018) reported that Virginia producers sold nearly $1.3 million in value added products, which were sold directly to customers through farm stands, farmers markets, Community Supported Agriculture and online sales.
Planting a Garden in a Pandemic
With more people sheltering in place at home during the Covid-19 pandemic, many people are turning to or considering growing gardens, whether it’s to provide food or just peace of mind during these troubled times.
Temperatures Expected to Dip to Near Freezing, Berry Crops Could Suffer
Weather forecasters are calling for a cold night on Saturday, May 9, with temperatures expected to dip to 35 °F in Central Virginia and 30°F in the Shenandoah area.
Live FAMACHA© Online Training was a huge success!
On April 9, small ruminant experts, Dr. Dahlia O’Brien, extension specialist at Virginia State University (VSU) and Dr. Niki Whitley, extension specialist at Fort Valley State University (FVSU), hosted a live Small Ruminant FAMACHA© Certification and Parasite Management online training. There were 130 participants from all over the United States, as well as other countries around the world, including Pakistan.
Taking a Bite to Better Health
March is National Nutrition Month, and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reminds us that eating healthy begins one step at a time. This means that small changes can help you attain your healthy eating goals this year and beyond. These small changes can build healthy habits we carry for a lifetime.
Extension Specialist’s Passion For Berry Production is Unyielding
It’s an understatement to say that Dr. Reza Rafie is passionate about growing berries in Virginia. Rafie, a horticulture Extension specialist with the Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) at Virginia State University (VSU), has devoted nearly 15 years to researching and promoting berry production.
VSU's Sustainable Agriculture Program Equips Navy Veteran for New Mission
Navy Veteran Says Best Part of VSU’s Sustainable Agriculture Program is Getting Your Hands Dirty
Cold Weather Could Leave Blueberry Growers in a Jam
Weather forecasters are calling for freezing temperatures over the next few days. Homeowners with container-grown blueberry plants need to protect them from freezing temperatures, if the flower buds are opening up.
Rock Salt Can Make Winter Rough on Plants and Trees
There’s no question that road salt saves human lives on snowy and icy roads, but the hidden damage it does to plants, soil and trees can be deadly.
Easy Steps Towards Better Financial Health in the New Year
The beginning of a new year is a good time to examine your finances and put the brakes on bad spending habits. What seems like small insignificant purchases – if left unchecked - can add up in the long run, and lead to money management problems.
Quick Tips on Picking and Preparing Fresh Fish for the Holidays
“Fish is a holiday favorite in many religions and cultures around Christmas time. It’s not only appetizing, but it’s also very healthy,” said Dr. Brian Nerrie, Cooperative Extension aquaculture specialist at Virginia State University.
While there are many great recipes for cooking tasty fish and seafood dishes, the key ingredient is freshness.
Add Self-Control to Your Holiday Shopping List
Shopping, sales and savings are words that have become synonymous with Christmas, but bargain hunters should add one more word to their holiday vocabulary – self-control.
How to Get the Most Out of Your Leftovers
According to FoodSafety.org’s cold food storage chart, most foods can last three to four days if properly refrigerated, and freezing leftovers can extend their use for up to three to four months.
If food has mold on it or signs of spoilage, then we know to toss it in the trash. But if it smells okay and looks okay, it must be safe. Right?
Food Safety Tips for Mouth-Watering and Memorable Thanksgiving Meals
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, incorrectly handling poultry and undercooking turkey or chicken are the most common causes of foodborne illnesses during the holidays. Here’s some helpful tips to keep in mind in the kitchen this holiday season that will help ensure your festivities are not spoiled by foodborne illnesses.
High Tunnel Single Stem Container Grown Raspberry
Virginia State University is conducting trials of growing raspberry in containers on a single stem under high tunnel conditions. Dr. Reza Rafie, horticulture Extension specialist at VSU believes this system of raspberry production can be a good fit for Virginia’s small-scale farmers and even homeowners. This video briefly describes the potential of container-grown single-stem raspberries.