Introduction & Dean's Column

Could Charles Dickens have had 2020 in mind when he opened his novel, A Tale of Two Cities, with “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….”? Perhaps. Because though this year will rank as the worst in memory for many of us, it also had many silver linings.

We’d be remiss not to include in this issue of Connection Magazine a few stories that focus on some of the COVID-19 challenges Virginia State University’s (VSU) College of Agriculture had to overcome this year. But we’re pleased to have many more stories about good news, opportunities and celebrations that are completely unrelated to the pandemic.

The $600,000 grant that VSU’s Small Farm Outreach Program received this year certainly provides a bright outlook for Virginia’s small, socially disadvantaged, veteran farmers and ranchers. While the new VSU Food and Agri-Sciences Scholarship Program provides an unprecedented opportunity for students pursuing bachelor degrees in agriculture, family and consumer sciences or hospitality management. And just in time for the most active hurricane season on record, Virginia Cooperative Extension at VSU launched an emergency resources website for Virginians encountering or preparing for impacts from severe weather and more.

And while we had much to celebrate with several faculty promotions and the hiring of a new Associate Extension Administrator, we also had the opportunity in August to celebrate the 130th anniversary of the Second Morrill Act, which helped establish the 1890 land-grant universities like VSU. The anniversary gave the nation an opportunity to reflect on the 1890 land-grant accomplishments and to better understand the important role they play in the future of our economy.

Indeed, this year was fraught with unprecedented challenges. But despite these challenges, many of our VSU College of Agriculture faculty and staff have made significant and impactful contributions to our 1890s mission this year. The stories within this issue tell their tale. Enjoy!


M. Ray McKinnie, Ph.D., Dean/1890 Extension Administrator, Associate Dean and Director, College of Agriculture

Wondi Mersie, Ph.D., Associate Dean and Director, Agricultural Research Station

Janine P. Woods, Ph.D. Associate Administrator, VSU Virginia Cooperative Extension

Cover Photo: Richmond artist Hamilton Glass painted the colorful mural on the Harding Street Urban Ag Center in 2016. The painting depicts the Delectable Heights community’s rich history and includes images of musical themes, a basketball, a former student and growing plants. The mural was funded by Altria Group, Inc. During the pandemic, the Ag Center pivoted and partnered to provide nutritious food to Petersburg residents. Story on page 14.

Connection is published by Virginia State University’s College of Agriculture. Special thanks to everyone who contributed content, photos, ideas and time to this edition.

Executive Editor: Michelle Olgers; Writer/Editor: Lorraine Blackwell; Art Direction, Graphic Design: Brittany R. Hughes

Send address changes and circulation inquiries by email to Editorial inquiries and other comments should be sent to Executive Editor, Connection, P.O. Box 9081, Virginia State University, VA 23806 or

©2020 Virginia State University College of Agriculture

Dr. M. Ray McKinnie, Dean/1890 Extension Administrator; Dr. Wondi Mersie, Associate Dean/Director of Research; Dr. Janine P. Woods, Associate Administrator VSU Virginia Cooperative Extension; Dr. Michelle Corley, Interim Chair, Associate Professor Department of Agriculture; Dr. Crystal Wynn, Chair and Associate Professor Department of Family and Consumer Sciences; Dr. Berkita Bradford, Chair and Associate Professor Department of Hospitality Management


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Pandemic draws Virginia’s two land-grant institutions closer together