Vaccines for a Healthy Lifestyle 

Virginia Cooperative Extension is committed to helping people make informed vaccine decisions for themselves and their families.

Vaccination is a safe and effective tool for protecting the health and wellbeing of children and adults from life-threatening disease and long-term disability. Vaccination is crucial for protecting the health of the most vulnerable in our communities, babies, older adults, and those with compromised immune systems by preventing disease from spreading throughout communities. Virginia Cooperative Extension provides trusted, evidence-based information delivered through two Land Grant Universities, County Extension Agents, community partnerships, and public outreach and education. 

Trusted Sources:

There is a lot of information on the internet about vaccines. Visit Vaccine Safety Net for sources of online content that have met the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety credibility criteria. While the Internet is a useful tool for researching health-related issues, it should not replace a discussion with a healthcare professional. As you research online for vaccine information, consider the following resources: 

Questions to ask when evaluating information 

Trusted sources of Vaccine Information 

FEMA Rumor Control 

CDC’s Immunization Safety Office communicates timely and transparent information on CDC’s vaccines safety site

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