Field Day Showcases Value of Agriculture in Virginia

Agricultural field days are not uncommon at Virginia State University’s Randolph Farm, but AgFest 2019 was not your ordinary field day.

Dr. M. Ray McKinnie, dean of the College of Agriculture and 1890s Extension Administrator, said AgFest gave the public a way to see behind the scenes of what goes on in the agriculture industry, as well as a way to showcase the integration between the college’s three overarching departments, academics, Extension and research.

“We’re committed to the enterprise of learning, discovery and engagement,” McKinnie told more than 400 attendees at the Aug. 28 event.

Nearly half of the attendees were youth who did just that – learn, discover and engage. While adults attended demonstrations and talks on niche crops, aquaponics, livestock production and more on one side of the 416-acre Randolph Farm, youth participated in hands-on activities on the other side of the farm, including planting seeds, doing yoga and learning about dietary health and small ruminants (sheep and goats).


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PROFILE: New Faces in the College of Agriculture