QuickBooks Training Workshop
JUNE 11, 2019
The Carver Center
9432 James Madison Hwy
Rapidan, VA
This educational workshop is free and open to the public. Space is limited.
Training does not include Quickbooks software or licenses for participants.
QuickBooks® is a software program that can help you do everyday financial tasks quickly.
Create invoices and track sales
Easily create invoices and sales receipts to keep track of who owes you money, what they bought, and when they paid you.
Stay on top of your expenses
Enter and pay bills from vendors, and download your bank and credit card transactions directly into QuickBooks.
Gain insights into your business
Drill down to see the details behind the numbers, and export your reports and all of your QuickBooks formatting to Excel.
For more information, contact Derrick Cladd at (804) 892-4489 or dcladd@vsu.edu or call the Small Farm Outreach Program office at (804) 524-3292.
If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact the Small Farm Outreach Program office (smallfarm@vsu.edu) or call (804) 524-3292 / TDD (800) 828-1120 during business hours of 8 am. and 5 p.m. to discuss accommodations five days prior to the event.
Workshops support the USDA NIFA grant designed for “Outreach, Training, and Technical Assistance Project for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Beginning Farmers and Rancher in Virginia” Award Number 2017-70011-26861